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Adilson Anacleto

Curriculum lattes

Post-doctorate (Plant Production) from the Federal University of Paraná (2012). Doctor in Science (Plant Production) from the Federal University of Paraná (2011). Master in Science (Plant Production) from the Federal University of Paraná (2005). Bachelor in Business Administration from the State Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Paranaguá. Coordinates LabCost: Laboratory for Management and Coastal Studies. The laboratory with the main objective of generating a set of knowledge and practical instruments that guide actions and initiatives for the development of micro and small urban and rural entrepreneurs, generating sustainable alternatives based on the analysis of socioeconomic variables in order to generate income and work, respecting the history of coastal communities in a dialogue of knowledge between the scientific community and empirical knowledge, while exercising research, extension and teaching, as well as in the preservation of the coast of Paraná natural resources. Currently he is an Adjunct Professor from the Department of Administration and from the Post-Graduate Program in Administration at the State University of Paraná - Campus Paranaguá. Professor of the Interdisciplinary Master's Program in Society and Development at the State University of Paraná - Campus de Campo Mourão. He has experience in the areas of business strategy and non-governmental organizations, environmental management, public policies, citizenship, poverty and social inequalities and in the aspects of production, trade and income processes in the urban and rural context.


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